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Litšenyehelo tsa mochini oa PET pelletizer

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Mochini oa PET pelletizer / mochini oa pelletizing ke mokhoa oa ho fetola lipolasetiki tsa PET fake hore e be granules.Sebelisa li-flakes tsa botlolo tsa PET tse nchafalitsoeng e le lisebelisoa tse tala ho hlahisa li-pellets tsa boleng bo holimo tsa PET bakeng sa ho etsa lihlahisoa tse amanang le PET, haholoholo bakeng sa thepa e tala ea fiber textile.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Mochini oa PET pelletizer / mochini oa pelletizing ke mokhoa oa ho fetola lipolasetiki tsa PET fake hore e be granules.Sebelisa li-flakes tsa botlolo tsa PET tse nchafalitsoeng e le lisebelisoa tse tala ho hlahisa li-pellets tsa boleng bo holimo tsa PET bakeng sa ho etsa lihlahisoa tse amanang le PET, haholoholo bakeng sa thepa e tala ea fiber textile.
PET pelletizing plant / line e kenyeletsa pellet extruder, hydraulic screen changer, strand cutting hlobo, cooling conveyor, dryer, cutter, fan blowing system (fepa le ho omisa), joalo-joalo Sebelisa parallel twin screw extruder ho ba le taolo e nepahetseng ea mocheso, tlhahiso e phahameng ka tšebeliso e tlase ea matla.


Mochini oa PET pelletizer (2)

Setsi sa Extruder

SHJ Parallel twin screw extruder ke mofuta oa lisebelisoa tse kopanyang le tsa extruding tse sebetsang hantle haholo.Karolo ea mantlha ea "twin screw extruder" e entsoe ka "00"barrel ea mofuta le li-screw tse peli, tse kopanang.Twin screw extruder e na le sistimi ea ho khanna le sistimi ea taolo le sistimi ea taolo, sistimi ea ho fepa ho theha mofuta oa lisebelisoa tse khethehileng tsa extruding, granulation le shaping processing.The screw stem le barrel li amohela molao-motheo oa moralo oa moaho ho fetola bolelele ba moqomo, khetha likarolo tse fapaneng tsa "screw stem" ho kopanya mohala ho latela litšobotsi tsa thepa, e le ho fumana boemo bo botle ba mosebetsi le ts'ebetso e kholo.

Ka tsamaiso ea degassing ea libaka tse peli, li-volatile tse kang limolek'hule tse tlaase le mongobo li tla tlosoa ka katleho, haholo-holo tse loketseng filimi e hatisitsoeng e boima le thepa e nang le metsi a mang.Lithako tsa polasetiki li tla qhibiliha hantle, li entsoe ka polasetiki ka har'a extruder.

Setsi sa ho hloekisa

Ka sistimi e nang le likarolo tse peli tsa vacuum degassing, li-volatile tse ngata li ka tlosoa ka katleho, haholo-holo filimi e hatisitsoeng e boima le thepa e nang le metsi.

Mochini oa PET pelletizer (1)
Mochini oa PET pelletizer (3)


Mofuta oa poleiti, mofuta oa pistion le filthara ea mofuta oa othomathike oa ho itlhoekisa, Khetho e fapaneng ho ea ka litaba tse sa hloekang ka thepa le tloaelo ea moreki.
Filter ea mofuta oa Plate e na le litšenyehelo tse tlase ebile e bonolo ho e sebelisa, e sebelisoang haholo bakeng sa tharollo e tloaelehileng ea thermoplastic joalo ka tloaelo ea ho sefa.

Strand pelletizer

Strand pelletizer / pelletizing (sehiloeng se batang): Ho qhibiliha ho tsoa hloohong ho fetoloa likhoele tse khaoang ka li-pellets ka mor'a ho pholile le ho tiisa.

Mochini oa PET pelletizer (4)

Lintlha tsa Tekheniki

Mohlala Screw diamete L/D Screw Potoloho Lebelo Matla a motlakase a ka sehloohong Sesepa sa Torque Boemo ba Torque Sephetho
SHJ-52 51.5 32-64 500 45 425 5.3 130-220
SHJ-65 62.4 32-64 600 55 405 5.1 150-300
      600 90 675 4.8 200-350
SHJ-75 71 32-64 600 132 990 4.6 400-660
      600 160 990 4.6 450-750
SHJ-95 93 32-64 400 250 2815 5.9 750-1250
      500 250 2250 4.7 750-1250

  • E fetileng:
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  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona

    Lihlahisoa tse amanang